
81, chemin de la Seymaz
P: +41 22 860 0182
Webseite: http://digi-libris.com
Email: submission@digi-libris.com

digi-libris.com promotes the idea of the well-behaved document and is developer of software for collectors, authors and librarians to organize and manage collections of physical objects (book, toys, antiquities etc.) and repositories of digital documents (manuals, monographs, scientific papers etc.). Supports the well-behaved document. i.e. electronic documents that are both user friendly and library friendly. Uses Dublin Core inside or user defined attributes for physical objects. Downloads meta data from the web in DCMI, MARC 21, EndNote, WorldCat and other formats and embeds meta data in PDF, EPUB and HTML files (= library friendly) and adds bookmarks and interactivity to existing PDF files (=user friendly). Builds interactive tables of contents for distribution on CD/DVD sorted by title, subject, author or any other criteria.

Publisher Software

Software für Sammler, Autoren, Bibliothekare. Metadaten in Dokumente einbetten

Mac | BA12m | 11 October 2011